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Available Solutions

The Notes

Soft Laser

  • A clear complexion is something many people want, but even with the most meticulous skincare regimen, blemish-free skin can be difficult to achieve.

  • The Laser technology can help reduce the appearance of some of the most common skin woes, including brown spots, melasma, uneven skin tone and sun spots.

  • This non-invasive skin procedure can also treat signs of ageing such as wrinkles or age spots.

  •  There is very little recovery time involved and no side effects, making it a popular procedure.

Why Consider Soft Laser Peel

  • Very effective facial rejuvenation with visible results after 1 session

  • If you want to improve the look of your skin without undergoing long recovery periods

  • If you have redness, brown spots or scarring on your skin

  • Little to no downtime

  • Relatively long-lasting improvements in skin quality and texture can be achieved

  • Can be performed anywhere on the body involving scars and spots   

Takes about 30 minutes

The Steps

  • Facial Cleansing

  • Visia Skin Analysis

  • Skin Check with our expert Dr

  • Laser Fotona QXMAX or Medlite C6

  • Zimmer Cooling

  • Soothing Mask with Aqua Hyaluronate

  • Recovery Cream and Sunblock

  • No to min recovery time of only a few hours

  • Sometimes mild red spots can develop due to dehydration

  • Sun Block and recovery cream is recommended as to complement the treatment results

  • Product maintenance can maintain a good photorejuvenation result

  • Treatment maintenance can be done as soon as 3 weeks to 1 month apart

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