Permanent Hair Removal By Using SHR
SHR Laser is the best choice for permanent hair removal, besides waxing, shaving or threading.
As we all know waxing, shaving and threading may worsen the hair coarseness and increase the chances of having 2 or more hair strands in a single hair follicle.
Hair removal is the most common and popular cosmetic therapy done in Malaysia.
Pigments in the hair follicles will absorb the highly concentrated light produced by SHR laser, thereby destroying it.

The Benefits of SHR Laser on Hair Removal
It is suitable and safe for all skin types.
The surrounding skin is left unharmed or will not get burn as SHR only targets selective coarse hair.
SHR is not colour blind compare to Intense pulse light (IPL) which stands a chance of burning the surrounding skin.(especially darker skin types)
Wide range of unwanted hair at face, underarms, arms and legs, bikini lines and other areas can be treated with SHR.
Smaller areas can be treated quickly in less than a minute, however larger areas like back, arms and legs may take longer.
What are the Preceding Procedure Prior to SHR Hair Removal?
Shave unwanted hair 1-2 days prior to laser.
The best hair length for laser treatment is at least few mm above the skin surface.
Limit waxing or plucking unwanted hair 6 weeks before procedure.
As laser will target on hair root which has been remove by waxing and plucking.
What to Expect During the Procedure?
During the treatment, you will feel a very slight discomfort but no pain.
However, 90% of patient will experience permanent hair loss after an average of 3-5 treatments of laser therapy.
New hair that grow will become finer with each treatment and eventually fall off.
Post Laser Hair Removal Care
Like any other laser treatment, patient should avoid direct sun exposure.
Apply adequate sunscreen and moisturiser.